Saturday, December 1, 2012


new shs program called jartop or jaringan topik, was a study-not-in-the-classroom for a week program. it but ya they deleted rihlah or go out together program. the jartop was aftr uts, from 15 october 2012 till 19 october 2012. so here we go!

15 october 2012

The first was bedah kampus. well we were not goingfrom one university to other university, but people from that university came to our school. only the 12th and the 11th grade who joined this program because the 10th was going to kpk building. the universitu that the school invited were ITB, Prasmul, STT Telkom, and others. actually the bedah kampus was until 16 october but the 11th had our own other program.

16 october 2012

we were going to DPRD Sukabumi building. it is in pelabuhan ratu. well at the buolding i didnt do anything special because i was waiting the go-to-the-beach time! Wohoooooooo! We finally went to the beach after stuck in kaki gunung. anyway, the road to pelabuhan ratu was pathetic, and make us headache, tummyache, till barfing. we've been there before. soooo from the dorm all of us drink antimo and because of that all of us were sleeping all the way hahahaha. sooo here we are in dprd building and pelabuhan ratu.

17 october 2012

OMG! did you believe that a writer name Muhammad Assad was at my school? You gotta believe because he did. soo my indonesian language teacher invited muhammad assad to our school to teach us huw to write, give motivation, and other stuff. oh ya, he wrote Notes From Qatar. when he was at my school he brought his book soooo i bought his book and get his autograph and photo together, hehehe :s
nb : dont judge someone from his book. if you know what i mean ;;)

18 october 201

todayyyy all the 10, 11, 12 students and all the teachers were going to Kratingdaeng for industry tour. hahahaha we went there by bus. fyi Kratingdaeng factory was only 1 km from our school -...- so we use the bus many times and i got the last rombongan. from the industry tour, i got soooooo many new things and stuff. well i wont share it here because the things that i got is about kratingdaeng product hehe this is not blog commercial :p here some photos!

19 october 2012

this was the last day of jartop. and the agenda was lounching and bedah buku INSIDE THE JOB? this book was made by the 11th grade of social science in my school. and the editor was our sociology teacher. if you want to read this book you can borrow it in alka's library haha. and anyway, Radar Sukabumi newspaper also put this on their news :D

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