Thursday, June 30, 2011

Super Junior Baseball Jacket xD

OMONAAAA MY SUPER JUNIOR BASEBALL JACKET JUST CAME THIS AFTERNOON. OMG I'M SOOOO EXCITED. Haha my friends and I have been waiting for this jacket for about almost a month. And now we have it xD.

I really love this Jacket <3 first, this jacket is same with super junior member's jacket. second, i can wear it at school. third, it is warm. ahha but there's one thing that i REALLY HATE. The tailor made a mistake. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE SUPER JUNIOR, NOT SUPER YUNIOR. oh my god i really hate the tailor -,__- why he's gotta be so mean to us :'"

Because of that SUPER YUNIOR thingy, the seller gave us Super Junior photo. But a photo isn't enough to fix this mistake -,_-. I thought the photo would be big, and more than one. But the truth's small and only one. And i got Kibum pic :D he is cute x3 but actually i'm expecting to get Heechul. haha.

By the way, if you guys want to buy it, you can buy it here -----> you can get discount if you tell the seller you got the link from me :3

I'll share some photos too :D So......enjoy^^
Annyeong ~(^o^)~

Back Side

Front Side
Back :D
Front :D
Left Side. that "Yunior" thingy -,__- 

Right Side

Kibum Pic xD 

Me wearing the jacket xD



  1. hi corina.. I'm just a passerby.. just want to ask where did you buy your sj jacket?? thanks

  2. hi! i bought it in, from the internet

  3. itu yg dipakek ukuran ny apa ??

  4. pas di badan kahh ato kegedean ??

  5. hi...It's really cool. I need one. Pls tell me where can I buy it to ship to Thailand?

    1. i'm sorry but idk whether the seller can send it to thailand or not
