all photos taken in Alkausar Boarding School Girls Dormitory
Friday, December 28, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Judul : Sunshine Becomes You
Penulis : Ilana Tan
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun : 2012
Tebal buku : 432 hlm.
Jenis buku : Fiksi
Warna cover : Merah muda
No. ISBN : 978-979-22-7813-2
Harga buku : Rp65.000
Ilana Tan, seorag penulis novel yang identitasnya masih dirahasiakan, setelah menerbitkan novel tetralogi 4 musim, Summer in Seoul, Winter in Tokyo, Autumn in Paris, dan Spring in London, ia mempersembahkan karya lainnya yang berjudul Sunshine Becomes You. Sekarang Ilana Tan tinggal di Jakarta dan bekerja di bidang yang disukainya. Ia menggemari film, buku, dan bahasa asing.
Alex Hirano adalah seorang pianis terkenal keturunan Jepang yang menetap di New York. Adik laki-lainya, Ray adalah seorang B-boy yang bekerja di sebuah studio tari. Alex yang awalnya sedang uring-uringan pun mau menngunjungi studio tari tempat Ray mengajar karena penasaran ingin melihat sosok
Penulis : Ilana Tan
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun : 2012
Tebal buku : 432 hlm.
Jenis buku : Fiksi
Warna cover : Merah muda
No. ISBN : 978-979-22-7813-2
Harga buku : Rp65.000
Cinta yang Memberikan Alasan Untuk Bertahan
oleh : Corina Delarosa Khoirunnisa
Ilana Tan, seorag penulis novel yang identitasnya masih dirahasiakan, setelah menerbitkan novel tetralogi 4 musim, Summer in Seoul, Winter in Tokyo, Autumn in Paris, dan Spring in London, ia mempersembahkan karya lainnya yang berjudul Sunshine Becomes You. Sekarang Ilana Tan tinggal di Jakarta dan bekerja di bidang yang disukainya. Ia menggemari film, buku, dan bahasa asing.
Alex Hirano adalah seorang pianis terkenal keturunan Jepang yang menetap di New York. Adik laki-lainya, Ray adalah seorang B-boy yang bekerja di sebuah studio tari. Alex yang awalnya sedang uring-uringan pun mau menngunjungi studio tari tempat Ray mengajar karena penasaran ingin melihat sosok
Saturday, December 1, 2012
new shs program called jartop or jaringan topik, was a study-not-in-the-classroom for a week program. it but ya they deleted rihlah or go out together program. the jartop was aftr uts, from 15 october 2012 till 19 october 2012. so here we go!
15 october 2012
The first was bedah kampus. well we were not goingfrom one university to other university, but people from that university came to our school. only the 12th and the 11th grade who joined this program because the 10th was going to kpk building. the universitu that the school invited were ITB, Prasmul, STT Telkom, and others. actually the bedah kampus was until 16 october but the 11th had our own other program.
16 october 2012
we were going to DPRD Sukabumi building. it is in pelabuhan ratu. well at the buolding i didnt do anything special because i was waiting the go-to-the-beach time! Wohoooooooo! We finally went to the beach after stuck in kaki gunung. anyway, the road to pelabuhan ratu was pathetic, and make us headache, tummyache, till barfing. we've been there before. soooo from the dorm all of us drink antimo and because of that all of us were sleeping all the way hahahaha. sooo here we are in dprd building and pelabuhan ratu.
15 october 2012
The first was bedah kampus. well we were not goingfrom one university to other university, but people from that university came to our school. only the 12th and the 11th grade who joined this program because the 10th was going to kpk building. the universitu that the school invited were ITB, Prasmul, STT Telkom, and others. actually the bedah kampus was until 16 october but the 11th had our own other program.
16 october 2012
we were going to DPRD Sukabumi building. it is in pelabuhan ratu. well at the buolding i didnt do anything special because i was waiting the go-to-the-beach time! Wohoooooooo! We finally went to the beach after stuck in kaki gunung. anyway, the road to pelabuhan ratu was pathetic, and make us headache, tummyache, till barfing. we've been there before. soooo from the dorm all of us drink antimo and because of that all of us were sleeping all the way hahahaha. sooo here we are in dprd building and pelabuhan ratu.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
new school programs
heyyaaa. finally i'm posting again. well now im gonna tell you about my school new programs. it was because the junior high and the senior high doing some kind of integration so that jhs and shs will have same activities. we (shs) were like shock and gaaah we didnt want that integation stuff! Why? there are soooooooo many new activities, rules, and blah blah like
1. the school end at 3.40
2. there are only two osis. girls and boys. not jhs and shs.
3. and sooooo many new program after maghrib
4. jhs tacher teach shs
5. new program called jartop so they delete rihlah program
6. we are not allow to do nail art at school again
7. theres only one principal
8. the new uniform called kombinasi. and the jhs student wore grey skirt that day (i like the uniform anyway)
9. actually there are still many reasons but hard to explain
soooo i'm gonna post a new program called jartop! But latter hehe :p
1. the school end at 3.40
2. there are only two osis. girls and boys. not jhs and shs.
3. and sooooo many new program after maghrib
4. jhs tacher teach shs
5. new program called jartop so they delete rihlah program
6. we are not allow to do nail art at school again
7. theres only one principal
8. the new uniform called kombinasi. and the jhs student wore grey skirt that day (i like the uniform anyway)
9. actually there are still many reasons but hard to explain
soooo i'm gonna post a new program called jartop! But latter hehe :p
Thursday, September 27, 2012
home sick
he-ey. GAAAAH HOME SICK ATTACK WITH LOTSSSS OF PROBLEMS. wanna go home like totallyyyy! well actually i've already go home last week but.................stiiiilllll home sick!! T^T anyway, i lost my pen. it's not just a pen its a special pen from my dad :( and now idk where the hell is that pen :( and i lost my flashdisk, all my datas :( and i lost my sd card. from my old jave. yes its lost. i need the photos, contacts, and other datas aagggrhhhhhhh.
and tomorrow i'll have chem, physic, biology quiz. and muhadhoroh. the thing is i havent study anything and i havent make the muhadhoroh. i'm dying here. lemme go hoooomeeee T^T
and tomorrow i'll have chem, physic, biology quiz. and muhadhoroh. the thing is i havent study anything and i havent make the muhadhoroh. i'm dying here. lemme go hoooomeeee T^T
Monday, September 17, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
akhirnyaaaa ketemu beberapa anak bma juga :') Aul, Fadhil, Berti, Rifki doang sih hahhhaa tapi nggak apa apa yang penting bisa ketemuan wkwk :') anyway tadi harusnya ketemu Atnas Ayu Tari tapiiiii mereka ada saman huuuuf and they cant leave the saman. padahal gue Aul Berti udah bela belain ke sudir ketemu dengan.................."orang orang" yang fffff -_- and anyway ketemu mam dy loooh! haha kurang puas tapi nggak ketemu #BMA full team :'( eiya ketemu anak ang 8 juga si nisa -_- wkwk. Thankyou AUL FADHIL BERTI RIFKI for today :') me lav yaaaa :*<3{} see ya sooon!
welcome to our family!
heyyyyaaaaa! FYI i have a nuuu pet >,< I've been dreaming for this pet since i was in 4th grade and finally it's come true :') and it's a KITTEN! owww :3 its a persian kitten and the colour is white and black and he is cute! Anyway his name is Tom. Thomas. isn't it too boyish? my dad gave it -_- But i'd like to call him Tom tom, to make it cuter? Lol. So this is him :'3
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
3rd August 2012 - 8th August 2012
WOW. it's kinda hard to believe that i'm no longer using cellphone. it's kinda hard for me because i mean that stupid thing was always with me for the rest 2 years oh my godddd.
So this is the story that maybe will change my life. it was the 3rd of august. i didnt know the teachers will menyidak the school. the point is i was busted. my cellphone was busted. i was i was i was speechless like totally. oh anyway me and my other 3 friends was. god and because of us the other friend couldnt call their parents because our teacher didnt allow us to use cellphone till the holiday. they said thats for punishment.
i was blue like three days. i couldnt concentrate when do something, worried all day, and other girly stuff like crying, screaming, blah blah. why i was like that? guilty pressure.
then on 6th august we got our first love letter from the teacher. you know it wasnt the real "love letter" but we called it that. to make it idk.
we did read the love letter together and wow it wasnt a love letter, it was a date invitation. omg i was having a "date" with my teacher. please -_-
the same day, my friends and i was having that date a 13.00. we didn't go to the room together, but individually. HowPatheRomantic.
Annnndddd it was my turn. yaaa they asked soo many things so many stuff and i was like only oh sir thats blablablabla oh sir i dont blablablabla oh sir it wasnt like that, we didnt blablablabla and anyway they read everything in my phone. IN FRONT OF ME. HELL-O EVER HEARD ABOUT PRIVACY? i dont know what are they up to. but now the real stalker is......yeah they are the real stalker.
So this is the story that maybe will change my life. it was the 3rd of august. i didnt know the teachers will menyidak the school. the point is i was busted. my cellphone was busted. i was i was i was speechless like totally. oh anyway me and my other 3 friends was. god and because of us the other friend couldnt call their parents because our teacher didnt allow us to use cellphone till the holiday. they said thats for punishment.
i was blue like three days. i couldnt concentrate when do something, worried all day, and other girly stuff like crying, screaming, blah blah. why i was like that? guilty pressure.
then on 6th august we got our first love letter from the teacher. you know it wasnt the real "love letter" but we called it that. to make it idk.
we did read the love letter together and wow it wasnt a love letter, it was a date invitation. omg i was having a "date" with my teacher. please -_-
the same day, my friends and i was having that date a 13.00. we didn't go to the room together, but individually. How
Annnndddd it was my turn. yaaa they asked soo many things so many stuff and i was like only oh sir thats blablablabla oh sir i dont blablablabla oh sir it wasnt like that, we didnt blablablabla and anyway they read everything in my phone. IN FRONT OF ME. HELL-O EVER HEARD ABOUT PRIVACY? i dont know what are they up to. but now the real stalker is......yeah they are the real stalker.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Super Junior Leeteuk Birthday Project & Heechul's Birthday
And SAENGIL CHUKKAE LEETEUK OPPA! Actually it's too late -.- his birthday was on 1st July haha Keep healthy, and stay cute oppa. ELF love youuu xD
my friend name AYU is his big fans like totally. soooo she asked us, #BMAgirls to make a video for him and then we upload it on youtube. she also order a cake. BTW we did the making of the video in Aul's house. kyaaaaaa finally met my Aul! And also my #BMAgirls even Thika and Dyah a.k.a Wati didnt come :(
Monday, June 11, 2012
great news is.............UAS IS FINALLY OVER. gaah it means bentar lagi libur! akhirnya anak boarding yang satu ini pulang juga. udah jarang di jenguk, dijenguknya sama supir doang itupun nganterin barang, sekalinya pulang langsung balik lagi, dan lain lainnya.
UAS tahun ini nggak kayak UAS yang semester 1, kalo semester satu kan ada ujian prakteknya, nah ini untung aja nggak ada. dimulai dari hari Senin, 4 Juni 2012. gila. selama UAS ya, gue dan teman teman belajar 1 lorong gue as known as Salmas, Maula, dan Vira selalu tidur pagi, bangun pagi lagi, ulangan, tidur siang, malemnya begadang lagi. Apalagi tuh kalo abis subuh harusnya kan baca qur'an dulu, tapi gue saking nggak kuatnya selalu balik ke kamar, tidur sampe jam 6, terus jam 6.12 mandi, baru deh berangkat. Tapi lumayan membawakan hasil loh! untuk mereka -___-" untuk gue mungkin di beberapa pelajaran emang gue kurang ngerti, kurang serius, kurang tepat ngasalnya.
Fyi, on 23rd June, jadi hari penentuan apakah gue masuk IPA? atau IPS? huaaaa maunya IPA :( tapi kalo IPS juga sebenernya nggak apa apa sih. But my parents will be sooooo disappointed to me. i guess. tapi kalo diliat dari nilai gue, nilai nilai IPS gue itu sepertinya jarang yang dibawah kkm, nah nilai IPA gue especially Biologi itu selalu dibawah kkm. selama kelas 1 gue baru lulus biologi 2 kali. hah kacau emang.
well just pray so that my UAS score would be better than last semester amiiiin O:) and i hope LAZFENSIS naik kelas semuaaaaa amiiin O:)
UAS tahun ini nggak kayak UAS yang semester 1, kalo semester satu kan ada ujian prakteknya, nah ini untung aja nggak ada. dimulai dari hari Senin, 4 Juni 2012. gila. selama UAS ya, gue dan teman teman belajar 1 lorong gue as known as Salmas, Maula, dan Vira selalu tidur pagi, bangun pagi lagi, ulangan, tidur siang, malemnya begadang lagi. Apalagi tuh kalo abis subuh harusnya kan baca qur'an dulu, tapi gue saking nggak kuatnya selalu balik ke kamar, tidur sampe jam 6, terus jam 6.12 mandi, baru deh berangkat. Tapi lumayan membawakan hasil loh! untuk mereka -___-" untuk gue mungkin di beberapa pelajaran emang gue kurang ngerti, kurang serius, kurang tepat ngasalnya.
Fyi, on 23rd June, jadi hari penentuan apakah gue masuk IPA? atau IPS? huaaaa maunya IPA :( tapi kalo IPS juga sebenernya nggak apa apa sih. But my parents will be sooooo disappointed to me. i guess. tapi kalo diliat dari nilai gue, nilai nilai IPS gue itu sepertinya jarang yang dibawah kkm, nah nilai IPA gue especially Biologi itu selalu dibawah kkm. selama kelas 1 gue baru lulus biologi 2 kali. hah kacau emang.
well just pray so that my UAS score would be better than last semester amiiiin O:) and i hope LAZFENSIS naik kelas semuaaaaa amiiin O:)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Happy birthday to me
heeeyyy it's 28th april and it meanssssss HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! now i'm 14, finally 14 i mean. i hope in this year i could be a better better better girl, student, daughter, sister, friend, or else. hahaha. thanks for the presents by the way. really, i dont like the presents. but i love the presents. thankyou very much :)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday MOOOOOOM! kyaaa maaf nggak bisa ngucapin langsung :( semoga mama panjang umur, sehat selalu, dilancarkan rezekinya, dimudahkan urusannya, sayang sama anak anaknya, sayang sama papa, sama semua muanya juga. maaf ya ma sering bikin mama marah atau panik kayak kejadian hari senin lalu ahhahahhahah -_- Happy birthday mama <333:*:333
Mom with Nadin |
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