Tuesday, August 28, 2012


akhirnyaaaa ketemu beberapa anak bma juga :') Aul, Fadhil, Berti, Rifki doang sih hahhhaa tapi nggak apa apa yang penting bisa ketemuan wkwk :') anyway tadi harusnya ketemu Atnas Ayu Tari tapiiiii mereka ada saman huuuuf and they cant leave the saman. padahal gue Aul Berti udah bela belain ke sudir ketemu dengan.................."orang orang" yang fffff -_- and anyway ketemu mam dy loooh! haha kurang puas tapi nggak ketemu #BMA full team :'( eiya ketemu anak ang 8 juga si nisa -_- wkwk. Thankyou AUL FADHIL BERTI RIFKI for today :') me lav yaaaa :*<3{} see ya sooon! 

welcome to our family!

heyyyyaaaaa! FYI i have a nuuu pet >,< I've been dreaming for this pet since i was in 4th grade and finally  it's come true :') and it's a KITTEN! owww :3 its a persian kitten and the colour is white and black and he is cute! Anyway his name is Tom. Thomas. isn't it too boyish? my dad gave it -_- But i'd like to call him Tom tom, to make it cuter? Lol. So this is him :'3

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

3rd August 2012 - 8th August 2012

WOW. it's kinda hard to believe that i'm no longer using cellphone. it's kinda hard for me because i mean that stupid thing was always with me for the rest 2 years oh my godddd.

So this is the story that maybe will change my life. it was the 3rd of august. i didnt know the teachers will menyidak the school. the point is i was busted. my cellphone was busted. i was i was i was speechless like totally. oh anyway me and my other 3 friends was. god and because of us the other friend couldnt call their parents because our teacher didnt allow us to use cellphone till the holiday. they said thats for punishment.

i was blue like three days. i couldnt concentrate when do something, worried all day, and other girly stuff like crying, screaming, blah blah. why i was like that? guilty pressure.

then on 6th august we got our first love letter from the teacher. you know it wasnt the real "love letter"  but we called it that. to make it more...........fun idk.
we did read the love letter together and wow it wasnt a love letter, it was a date invitation. omg i was having a "date" with my teacher. please -_-

the same day, my friends and i was having that date a 13.00. we didn't go to the room together, but individually. How PatheRomantic.

Annnndddd it was my turn. yaaa they asked soo many things so many stuff and i was like only oh sir thats blablablabla oh sir i dont blablablabla oh sir it wasnt like that, we didnt blablablabla and anyway they read everything in my phone. IN FRONT OF ME. HELL-O EVER HEARD ABOUT PRIVACY? i dont know what are they up to. but now the real stalker is......yeah they are the real stalker.